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Our Mission
Our mission is to influence Christian lives, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and win lost souls. (Matthew 5: 13-16, Mt. 28: 19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 4:43)

Our vision
We envision a community church, a new creation in Christ completely united, filled with the Holy Spirit, possessing spiritual gifts; a community that strives to be pure and holy, supportive of one another, interdependent, profoundly in accordance with the Apostle Paul's vision for the churches (Ph. chapter 4) and above all commanded by love.


Our value
Our value brings us closer to God who helps us lead toward our goal and pushes us to be humble and wise. Yes, indeed, we are all born into the world with the sinful nature; that is why we let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit who helps us achieve meaningful results.


First of all, we are a church but not a business. We insist on open, honest relationships with all members. We are called to preach the gospel on the basis of the infallible words of God.

"Do not do anything by party spirit or vain glory, but humility makes you look upon others as being above yourself" (Phil 2: 3). We will continually strive to do the right thing for the advancement of the church and the well-being of our members. We haveenteredLeadership for our model 1 Timothy 3: 1-7

Toward others
We respect and treat each person, big or small, with the utmost respect. We are not only called to preach the gospel, but we have also called to help those in need as Jesus says (Matthew 25: 35-40). After all, it's our church! If you support her today, she will help you or your children tomorrow or the next day.


What we up to!

Our Vision

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